Sunday 30 October 2011

Model Complete!

I’ve finally finished the model. I had a bit of difficulty creating the windows, so I had to ask for some help with that. It was also very difficult when modelling to keep in mind the geometry of the objects, especially when building the windows. I had to put in a lot of edge loops to keep the shapes 3 or 4 sided.

Here is my completed model

Friday 28 October 2011


I have now finished building the fireplace and all the furniture. I’ve also started on the wall panelling on the fireplace wall. They were a bit of a challenge but I’ve built the swords and shields to go on the wall. These were a last minute decision; I originally had windows on that wall but I thought that these would add more of a medieval feel to the room.

Monday 10 October 2011

Starting on Maya

Now I have my sketches, I can begin putting it into Maya. The first thing I did was to import the Norman rig into my scene to help with my proportions and scaling. I then created the walls and floor. I also created basic shapes for the fireplace-I’ll add the detail in later.

This is a screen shot of my basic layout

Saturday 8 October 2011


After finally deciding what I wanted my interior to look like, I did a few rough sketches of my room to get an idea of where everything will go.
I did a few sketches on paper, then this one on Paint:

It’s only an idea, and I’ll probably add to it in Maya, but it will give me an idea of what it will look like.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Finding a template

I've had another look through the images I collected for my research to find a template for my design.
I found a few images that I would like to use so I am going to try and put them together and add some of my own ideas to create an interesting design.

This is the main picture I am using to base my ideas on:

Wednesday 5 October 2011


I have looked at some different styles of interiors to give me some inspiration. I like the idea of more old fashioned buildings because of the attention to detail in the design.
After looking at lots of different images, I decided on having a medieval theme in the design of my interior. Medieval buildings have quite a simple design but there is a lot of intricate detail when you look closer, especially in the panelling on the walls. Recreating this will be a challenge but the end result will be worth it.