Tuesday 6 December 2011

3D Animation complete!

I've now rendered out my 3D animation and put it into Final Cut to edit it together.
This is what it looks like:

Also, here are 3 renders of my scene:

I'm fairly happy with the final result. I would like to have had more interesting camera angles involved but I am not skilled enough at animating the cameras at the moment, I hope to improve on this.
Animating in 3D is more difficult than I thought it would be because I had to think about where every part of the character was at what time, and what to key frame. 
I'm happy with the textures and UV mapping but in the future I would like to investigate this more to create more interesting maps and textures.
I think I was better at creating the environment than animating the character. I think in the future I will focus more on modelling, texturing and rendering and maybe even go into special effects.

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