Sunday 4 December 2011

Lighting & Rendering Tests

I've begun adding lighting and render effects to my scene now so I decided to carry out a few tests on a yellow blinn sphere to see what each effect looks like so I can decide what effects to add to my objects in my scene.

This is using the default settings for ambience, eccentricity, specular roll off, incandecence and translucence.

This is using a high value for the ambience. I think it makes the object more clear and stand out a little more but maybe the value is a little bit too high. I may use this is my scene with a lower value.

This is high incandescence. I don't think that this high a value will work for any objects in my scene because I don't have any objects close enough to a light source to need this effect.

This is high translucence. This effect doesn't work very well with this object but it might be useful for some objects in my scene.

This is low eccentricity. I might be able to use this effect in my scene for some objects that are more in the shadows but probably at a slightly higher value than this.

This is high eccentricity. Again, I don't think I will use this effect in my scene because I don't have any objects close enough to a light source for it to look right.

This is low specular roll off. This effect will be useful for objects that don't require much shine. I may use this in my scene.

This is high specular roll off. This will be a useful effect for any objects that require a high amount of shine. I have a few objects that do require this effect so I will most likely use this effect in my scene.

This is high specular roll off but with a different colour light. I don't think I will be able to use it in my scene but I wanted to see what it would look like if I decided to use it.

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